Deadly Blogs

Descendants of fierce warrior continue to protect his country

Wait-a-while is one of the first plants unsuspecting visitors learn to identify on a cultural Indigenous tour in Tropical North Queensland. If you brush up against the long spiky tendrils of lawyer cane it grabs your clothes and prevents you from walking further through the world’s oldest rainforest.


The Indigenous ranger tour guides at Mandingalbay Authentic Indigenous Tours show you how to’ wait a while’ and safely unhook yourself from the rainforest plant, while telling you how the black lawyer cane, known in language as Jabulum, was used to make shelters, baskets, fish and crab traps.


Their ancestor Jabulum Mandingalpai was strong like the black lawyer cane and as the lead warrior of his fearsome warrior people he lived by the rule of his hand, not his words. The second part of his name, Mandingalpai, means ‘of the hand’ and his descendants are today known as the Mandingalbay Yidinji people.


The Mandingalbay Yidinji people have lived continuously on their land, just a 10 minute boat ride from the Cairns CBD, for tens of thousands of years and today their 100% Indigenous owned and operated tours showcase their culture and country with walking tours, camping and Deadly Dinners.


The Rangers who guide visitors through the waterways, mangroves and rainforest of their traditional country are direct descendants of Jabulum. The warrior was born around 1858, before contact, and saw the first white men come to his neighbour’s country to establish the port of Cairns.


Jabulum was a fierce, resourceful and strategic leader who survived the occupation and settlement of traditional lands. His people were known throughout the Yidinji Nation as warriors and often were asked by neighbouring clans to help defend them against attack.


Jabulum’s primary camp site was Maurahbai, now known as Green Hill. Representing one of the many significant story lines traversing Mandingalbay Yidinji country, Maurahbai was a useful vantage point for Jabulum. He would dispatch runners with messages from the hill and mobilise his warriors if neighbouring tribes, especially the Gunggandji people, needed assistance during times of conflict.



Jabulum was also the lore man for his people, upholding the traditional laws that governed their lives such as what food could be taken at different times of the year and marriage matches with other clans to ensure correct bloodlines.


The Mandingalbay Yidinji warrior reputation was reflected in their clan totem, the black scorpion, Djunbunji, which is found in the rainforest of their country. The totem continues to be used today with the Traditional Owners who manage the Mandingalbay Yidinji Country for their people.


The Rangers look after the landscape and its cultural values including the sacred sites, Dreaming tracks, and totemic animal and plant species, sharing their knowledge by supporting Mandingalbay Authentic Indigenous Tours to host visitors wanting to know more about the oldest living culture on earth.


                                                                                            Leeanne (left), Joanne (Middle), Brenda (right)

Three young sisters are leading the way in connecting visitors to an authentic and ancient culture as Tour Guides. 


Joanne (34), Leeann (30) and Brenda Mundraby (27) currently lead groups of Australian and International visitors on the Hands-on Country Eco Tour to East Trinity. 


Working with the Indigenous owned and operated Mandingalbay Authentic Indigenous tours in Cairns, the trio are playing a crucial role in promoting sustainable, responsible, and community-based tourism on their traditional lands.


All three were new to tourism and have worked hard to build their confidence to be able to share their culture in front of large groups.


As Indigenous Tour Guides, they have become powerful cultural ambassadors for Mandingalbay Yidinji people.


“I love that our guests are wanting to come to us and learn about our culture and we’re able to create that safe space for them to ask questions”, remarked Joanne. 


Leeann added, “It means the world to work on Country, as it makes me feel close to the old people and connected to them.” 


For Brenda working on country is about the next generation, “I get to keep my culture alive and pass it down to my children. Once I’m on country my worries go away,” she said. 


She added, “With some guests we feel a personal connection to them right away and I feel that by coming on to our country with us in some way heals them too.”


 “My hope is that the younger generation will dive into this as they too can learn so much. They’ll have the beautiful opportunities we have been blessed to have,” Leeann enthused. 


Operations Manager Dale Mundraby sees a bright future for the three sisters.


“Our people are our business, and we believe that Indigenous tourism is reconciliation in action, with the interactions and conversations with our guests bringing about greater understanding of our culture, and our people’s history.”


Come and enjoy sunset in an amazing location while discovering why this country is so special.



For more information and live bookings go to

 or to make an enquiry email 


or call 07 4019 7998


For more information or to arrange an interview contact Marcus Brady on 0484 928 883 or




About Mandingalbay Authentic Indigenous Tours:


*The company runs tours to East Trinity using a custom-made covered river cruise vessel. 


*In its first year of operation the company was recognised for its outstanding customer service by winning a Wet Tropics Cassowary Award for Tourism and Presentation 2023.


*In 2023 the company also won a coveted Best Indigenous Experience Award at the prestigious Luxury Travel Gold List Awards 2023.


*Mandingalbay Authentic Indigenous Tours is owned and operated by the Mandingalbay Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation. 

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