When many of the MY People were moved to a mission known as ‘Yarrabah’ early in the 20th century we continued to visit, camp, hunt and gather on our Country. We continued to care for the Country and its sacred places, and we maintained our cultural knowledge, identity, and practices.
Although our culture and way of life has changed over the last 100 years, our identity as Mandingalbay Yidinji People remains strong and our inherited cultural rights and responsibilities to Country have not diminished. We remain obligated to our responsibilities to manage our lands and are restoring and protecting the environment and Mandingalbay Yidinji cultural values to educate our people and the wider community on the socio-economic importance of managing our land for now and the future.
We take pride in our land and have a deep connection to country and for this reason sharing our pristine natural environment, culture, knowledge, and practices with like-minded people from near and far is important to us. We welcome guests to join ancient hands on our Country.